with intense eagerness since 2012! a channel of the los angeles review of books

American Literature Girls


“I’m holding out for a captivity narrative American Girl with a horse hoof in her pocket.” –Michael Snediker.

“Share the HERO in YOU.”–American Girl


You may have noticed: the days are shorter, the students are back, the summer is gone. Avidly, too, is ending…but just its first issue. We’re taking a brief hiatus to get used to the new schedule, but stay tuned for Avidly Fall, bringing you more thoughts on Awesome Things You Should Think About.

In the meantime, we have conceived some dolls for you to play with as you start back to school. Consider it a small, strange, but sincere thank you for the stories you have shared with us, and all the ways they’ve helped show that heroism is real–and comes in the most amazing, suprising, and startling forms.

With intense eagerness,

Sarah, Sarah, and Jordan



Mary Rowlandson doll, slabbered horse hoof included: $125. Accessories (sold separately): detachable pocket with pease, $20; Horse’s leg (that they had got), $40; Angry native owner/companion, $95.




Hester with her needle: $125. Accessories (sold separately): Village Pillory, $149; Ill-gotten demon spawn, $75; Alternate wilderness scene, $160.




Eliza, too thin and in no-longer-fitting dress: $125.  Accessories (sold separately): Fashionable Equipage, no price (sold only on falsified credit); Barren Tavern Room, $150; Disciplinary Friends, SPECIAL GROUP PRICE, three for $150.




Harriet doll with special rickety leg feature: $125. Accessories (sold separately): Attic loophole of retreat, with rodents and insects, $150; all other accessories lost in pursuit of ever-retreating freedom.



Isabel doll in Italianate Dress: $125. Accessories (sold separately): Dog signifying departed happiness, $25; Ball Gown costume with symbolically-ripped skirt, $65; Convent room for staging stand-off with Madame Merle, $250.




Sethe doll with (sorry; can’t really do the joke about scarring): $125. Accessories (sold separately): we can’t even.


 …See you in the Fall!




    • roas must have raisen-like pressed eyes, a faded dusty and delapidated dress, and a wee step stool to help her reach any armchair included in the ensemble. she must smell like dust and a sweet, sickly scent of lavendar. a tremor is extra.

  1. i will add an addendum that my friend Shoshanna and I were discussing an additional line, American public health worker girls. “From lancing abscesses to distributing condoms, it’s all in Public Health Workers six-book series.”

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